Associate Members are elected on the basis of academic qualifications only.  The requirement is to hold one of the following qualifications:

  1. a degree in mathematics,
  2. a degree in mathematics in combination with another subject,
  3. a joint degree in mathematics with another subject, or
  4. a degree with a sufficient mathematical component such as would be the case in some physics and engineering programmes.

Degrees listed in number 2, 3 and 4 would need to contain a minimum of 50% of mathematics at undergraduate level.

Initial applications should normally be accompanied by qualification transcript(s).

Please note: membership of the Institute does incur an annual membership fee these will requested should your application be successful.  Current rates can be found on our Membership rates page.

How to Apply

To apply for Associate Member you must supply all the information requested, either on the application form or on myIMA, and indicate your agreement to the declaration. This agreement constitutes a contract to abide by the rules of the Institute.

Applications for Associate Member may be accepted by the Membership Manager on behalf of the Membership Committee provided the applicant clearly meets the requirements for the grade. Where it is not clear that the applicant meets the requirements the application is referred to the Institute’s Membership Committee Qualification Sub-Group.

Post nominals

Associate Members may use the letters AMIMA after their names.

Further Information

Associate Membership allows you to participate in the Institute’s activities whilst gaining the experience required for Advanced membership (MIMA or FIMA).  Associate Members would normally be expected to apply for transfer to another grade after not more than seven years in the Associate Member grade.

Note: Full-time postgraduate students can become or remain Associate Members and take advantage of the exclusive Student subscription rate for the duration of their postgraduate studies.

Applying Online

It’s easy to apply online, simply visit myIMA
If you’re unable to apply via myIMA and require printable forms please request these by completing the form below.

Applying via Post

Request printable form to become Associate member of IMA

Request printable form to become Associate member of IMA